Charlotte and William Bloomberg Medford Public Library
111 High Street, Medford, MA
September 11 - October 26, 2023
Opening Reception
Thursday, September 14, 2023
6:30 to 8:30 pm
Susan is primarily a mosaic and multi-media artist. Whenever she’s not making mosaics, however, she explores nature through photography, and particularly enjoys capturing insects, patterns, and landscapes. Intense color and contrast between foreground and background are frequent themes. Most of her photos are taken with her iPhone 11, because it’s always handy.
Sophie Glikson Cahen is an artist-therapist. Her artwork is semi-abstract and evocative and she plays with a variety of mediums. She has been exhibiting in New England, New York, France, and Puerto Rico. Through painting, she accesses energy beyond her own allowing images to become messengers inviting contemplation from the viewer. For more information:
I have been painting with intent for about nine years after retiring from a career as a computer engineer. I have exhibited in many juried shows in the Boston area, and won several awards. I am a member of a painting group, Boston North Artists, the Newton Watercolor Society, and the Newburyport Art Association.
While all the arts share common ground, music, poetry and painting share a heavy reliance on poetic inspiration. Poetry goes beyond the meaning of the words it uses, music expresses emotions without words and painting, in spite of the long descriptions and endless jargon used to express the work, a painting success rests solely in its ability to communicate without words. The function of painting is to present things that language can’t express.
At the age of twelve, I was given a choice: continue with my oil painting lessons or with my horse-back riding. I chose riding! Almost forty years later, inspired by a trip to the Southwest, I began painting again. Since then, I've worked on and off with oils and watercolors. I've used mixed-media to create shrines. Recently, I've been fascinated by the creative possibilities of oil and cold wax painting, as in my work displayed here. I love the element of mystery this media provides.
Rita is a talented collage artist who works tirelessly with her hands and fingers ripping paper mostly from magazines. With glue in her left hand, she adheres each piece of paper to a blank surface. She “paints” with paper and delights in flipping through magazines looking for just the “right” color to begin and end her creation. The world inside and outside are the impetus to her works of art. Then with pen-in-hand, she applies her signature. Her professional photographer takes an image of her art which is then magically reproduced on metal: Hence, original metal art prints.
My Art relates to nature, animals and intuition. My pastel animal portraits enrich my intuitive soul landscapes. My art relates to the unknown just outside conscious awareness. My art is inspired by my meditation practice as the present moment encourages opening to nature.
I've always been interested in transformation. How can the ordinary be transformed into the extraordinary? Lately, I've turned to photography to explore transformation. By slowing down, by taking a good long look around, maybe I can find beauty in things that we all walk past every day. Maybe even the mangled tree and the fungus can be beautiful in the right light.
Rose Lambias is a Medford artist, who enjoys working in both watercolor and acrylic. The three paintings submitted for the autumnal equinox exhibit, depict three full moons of fall. Depending on which full moon falls closest to the equinox, (September or October) determines which full moon becomes the harvest moon. This year the September Corn Moon will be called the Harvest Moon on September 29th. Followed by the Hunters Moon on October 28, 2023
I have always noticed beautiful compositions happening naturally around me. Capturing them and the joy they bring me has been my creative motivation. My figurative paintings are fluid and gentle in their line and form, harmonious in soft yet vibrant color. My landscapes are alive with hue, movement and atmospheric tension, inviting viewers into an immersive experience. Collaborating with online marketplaces like Le Galeriste and Contrado, I am able to create another approach to experiencing my art, putting my work on women’s fashions. I also have a large collection of products in my shop on Society6 where my art is printed on dozens of quality items for you, your office, and your home indoors and out.
Sylvestre Telfort is an award-winning, internationally recognized fine artist and portraitist with a unique style and eye for the natural and abstract. An artist formed in the context and culture of the Poto Mitan Art School in Haiti, Sylvestre Telfort studied with Wilfrid Austin Casimir and his own brother Rousseau Telfort. Influenced by the work of Da Vinci, van Gogh and Frank Louissaint, Telfort gets his inspiration from eroticism, spirituality, dance, music, and scenes of Haiti’s rural life. His paintings range from realism, to surrealism, to cubism and he is known for his portraiture. He is an accomplished creative with decades of experience as a painter, teacher, dancer, drummer, calligrapher, serigrapher, and Haitian culture advocate.
Adele Travisano received an MFA at Pratt Institute, in 1968, where she studied with George McNeil, who was a student of Hans Hofmann. Therefore, she considers herself a product of the 20th century New York school of Abstract Expressionism. Her work explores the plasticity of paint; the push pull of space; the defining of form, space and light by color; and the movement and rhythm of color throughout. Adele is unabashedly in love with paint and the painterly. In 2021 she became intrigued with the idea of the paint itself used on the texture of burlap canvas. The paint was going down to meet the canvas, and the canvas was coming up to meet the paint; the subject matter of the paintings in this series is purely paint and canvas.